Today, I am answering the question “What is Acro dance?” This dance genre has exploded in popularity over the last couple of decades often attributed to the famed Cirque du Soliel performances. I also believe television dance competitions helped to propel the popularity of acro because the complexity it introduces into dance routines truly adds a “wow factor” that is an essential part television competition programing. If you haven’t seen a snippet of of either, let’s fill your imagination with a dance that incorporates acro skills. A song is playing with powerful vocals, and a dancer fills the music with movement using strong dance technique on their feet gleaned from ballet and modern dance training. Throughout the fluid routine the dancer performs what appear to be gravity defying stunts that blend into the fluidity of the routine. These movements look effortless. One second the dancer is twirling then expressively reaching arms forward, then lifts them, is suddenly upside down with a leg raised high in the air, the other trailing around. It looks like an upside-down walking split! Then the dancer proceeds to do classic pique turns downstage. It looks mesmerizing.
Anytime we discuss gravity defying movement, gymnastics comes to mind. Was that, in fact, a new type of gymnastics routine? No, and here are a few reasons why. The initial execution of the described movement above, called a “walk over” did not involve any preparation with an enormous amount of momentum. Notice also in our example the dancer proceeded after the impressive “walk over” to twirl downstage. Gymnastic movements are usually performed in a straight line with what is frequently described as “hard hitting” moves. A classic gymnast would not divert the routine in another direction, and routines usually do not involve a constant emotional fluidity but rather feature movements. Acro dancers and gymnasts also train their bodies to work with two completely different surfaces, in the case of gymnastics they will use sprung floor mats that help propel and absorb the shock of “hard hitting” moves. Since acro dancers work with a dance floor or stage floor, they must master a different type of technique to execute acro moves.
Why study acro? Acro dance ads complexity to routines and extends the bounds of choreographic possibilities. As dance movement continues to expand and progress, aspiring dancers will not want to be left without an education in acro skills. At Hampden Dance Arts, we are here to help this summer with our week long Acro/Lyrical Camp. In this camp, we will teach basic acro movements such as handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls and bridges. They will use these movements as part of a lyrical dance routine to learn how to blend it all together. Camp is perfect for students new to acro! Click to register! Workshops & Intensives – Hampden Dance Arts

Here is a nice solo I found online as a sample Aurora Kulp- The Night We Met contemporary/acro dance solo – YouTube