Your Remote Experience

What shall we blog? As I though about this topic, I’ve been surfing around the web looking at other dance blogs around the net seeing many topics on the “new” normal in dance education. In other words, the infamous zoom class. Yes, as a business owner this indeed was a new way to teach as well as run a studio! Coincidentally, during my adult ballet zoom class this morning, I was amused by the barre substitute a student was using which she said was a “learning station,” another term for a table/highchair-like piece of furniture for young kids to eat at or play with simple items. And, earlier in the week I had thought of pictures I saw of ballerinas taking class during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were outside, shoes were a mess from dancing on the grass, and no mirrors or barres. I thought, zoom might be a bit more convenient. But also maybe not when you are using a “learning station” with cheerios sprinkled on top as your balance aid. And, in 100 years if another stay home situation presents itself will people look back at this era of zoom and say “wow, look how they had to do it back then?” Will a teacher hologram present itself right inside of your home like on Star Wars? Where I am I going with this muzing….
There’s a lot of stories business owners have of the innovations they’ve had to make to continue to deliver their product or art during covid. One fabulous example is the Healthy Holly’s Hidden Hideaway – Single Carrot Theatre production currently underway, where the entire performance takes place via cellphone. Beyond my zoom dance classes, this past summer we presented our end of camp week shows via zoom while parents watched on their phones outside of the studio with flowers in hand ready to give to their little dancers upon exiting camp. We know how it looks on our end as the host, but what about the students? Comment on your dance class experience or any other remote learning adventure you’ve found memorable! What did you use as a barre? Were you somewhere exotic on vacation during class, crammed in a corner of the house, outside, in the attic, at grandmoms? We would love to see how the students are doing it and find out what your favorite memory of remote learning was so far!

Hampden Dance Arts
3547 Chestnut Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21211

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