
Little Feet 1


Little Feet 1 is the perfect starter class for our youngest dancers. Choose from ballet & tap or ballet & jazz combination classes. Dancers will learn ballet basics such as positions of the feet, beginner ballet movements, learn to stand up nice and tall, and enjoy doing so in a positive learning environment that respects their learning needs at this young age.  During the second part of class, we change it up with either tap or jazz, depending on your class. Both styles are an upbeat way to end the lesson.

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Additional information

Age group, day, time

Sunday 8-8:45am, Ballet and Jazz, Ages 3-5, Sunday 9-9:45am, Ballet and Jazz, Ages 3-5, Sunday 11:15am-12:00pm, Ballet and Tap, Ages 3-5, Monday 3:30-4:15pm, Ballet and Tap, Ages 3-5, Monday 5:15-6:00pm, Ballet and Jazz, Ages 3-5, Wednesday 4:00-4:45pm, Ballet and Tap, Ages 3-4 1/2, Saturday 8-8:45am Ballet and Jazz, Ages 3-5


Fall, Winter, Spring new students